Every safari tourist wants to see lions but since they are not as widely distributed as they used to be, they can be hard to find. Lucky for you, I have written this post with some tips and tricks to...
Posts by African Wildlife Report
Zebras are excellent at protecting themself and each other but they still have several predators that can pose a big threat to them. In this post, you will learn which African predators prey on...
Did you know that giraffes are already taller than most adult humans from the moment they are born? Or that they are born from a standing position, making the first thing they ever experience a free...
Zebras are some of the most iconic animals in Africa but did you know that they are actually also quite intelligent animals, especially when it comes to the important skills required for...
Zebras are beautiful animals that you often see in open savannas where they are grazing and eating throughout most of the day. Zebras actually spend the vast majority of their time eating and in this...
Giraffes are the tallest animals in the world and while that gives them some excellent benefits when it comes to reaching the best leaves from the tops of trees, it can also cause some trouble when...